Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Dan Peranannya Dalam Pembentukan Karakter Religius Peserta Didik Berkebutuhan Khusus
Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers have a very important role in shaping the religious character of students with special needs, considering that children with special needs are children who are in the process of growth or development experiencing physical, mental-intellectual, social and/or emotional abnormalities or deviations compared to other children the same age, so they need special education services. Thus, this article aims to review how PAI teachers carry out their role in shaping the religious character of students with special needs at SMPN 1 Kedungwuni Pekalongan and what factors support or hinder teachers in carrying out their role. This article was written using a qualitative approach. The type of research is field research. The data sources in this study were school principals, Islamic religious education teachers, and students with special needs at Kedungwuni 1 Public Middle School. The data collection technique uses observation, interview, and documentation techniques, as well as data analysis starting from data condensation, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. From the results of the study, several results were obtained, including first, Islamic religious education teachers have four roles in shaping the religious character of students with special needs at Kedungwuni 1 Public Middle School, namely by acting as mentors, class managers, facilitators and mediators and evaluators. Second, the supporting factors are the existence of parent-teacher cooperation, the existence of rules, the existence of adequate facilities and infrastructure, and the presence of character education content in the school curriculum. While the inhibiting factors are the condition of students with special needs, limited study time, and environmental factors.
Laila Fazida, Arditya Prayogi